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Auto Bet ⚽

Auto Bet ⚽

Starcasinosport is pleased to introduce an innovative new feature that is revolutionizing the world of sports betting: Auto Bet. Its concept is simple and intelligent: you enter your stake, the winning range you want to reach, and Auto Bet automatically suggests the most suitable football bets to maximize your chances of success.

No more time spent analyzing complex odds or searching for the best opportunities, Auto Bet does all this work for you, in a matter of seconds.

Thanks to its advanced algorithm, Auto Bet analyzes sporting events in real time and selects the bets that match your objectives. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, this feature saves you time and lets you concentrate on what's most important: enjoying the game. All you have to do is indicate how much you'd like to bet and how much you'd like to win, and Auto Bet takes care of the rest.

One of the great advantages of Auto Bet is its flexibility. You can add each selection individually to your betting slip, or you can add the combined bet all at once by clicking on “Add to betslip”. Not convinced by the suggestions? You can request other suggestions.
In addition to making your betting easier, Auto Bet gives you a better understanding of the dynamics of odds and results. Each betting suggestion is accompanied by clear explanations so you know exactly how and why that option was chosen. This gives you the opportunity to learn and refine your betting strategies over time.

With Auto Bet, betting becomes simple, fast and personalized. Whether you're aiming for a quick win or the jackpot, this innovative system guides you step by step to the bets best suited to your goals. Don't wait any longer and let Pari Auto help you maximize your winnings with ease!

Enjoy this feature on the Starcasinosport.be homepage.

Boston Celtics' forward #0 Jayson Tatum jumps to shoot during the NBA Preseason game between the Boston Celtics and the Denver Nuggets at the Etihad Arena in Abu Dhabi on October 6, 2024.  Fadel Senna / AFP

NBA - Boston en Indiana zetten zegereeks verder, Lakers kunnen weer niet winnen

Boston en Indiana hebben maandag (lokale tijd) in de Noord-Amerikaanse professionele basketcompetitie NBA respectievelijk hun zesde en vijfde overwinning op rij geboekt tegen Sacramento (95-113) en Minnesota (119-103). De Los Angeles Lakers leden een derde nederlaag op rij bij Orlando (118-106).

(L-R) Lord Mayor of Brisbane Adrian Schrinner, Australian Senator Richard Colbeck, President of Australian Olympic Committee John Coates, three time Olympic gold medalist James Tomkins and Premier of Queensland Annastacia Palaszczuk, attend a press conference after Brisbane was announced as the 2032 Summer Olympics host city during the 138th IOC Session at Hotel Okura in Tokyo on July 21, 2021.  Toru Hanai / POOL / AFP

OS 2032 - Australië gaat nieuw stadion bouwen voor Spelen in Brisbane

Australië gaat een stadion met 63.000 plaatsen en een watersportcentrum bouwen voor de Olympische Spelen in Brisbane in 2032. Dat maakten de autoriteiten dinsdag bekend.

Boston Celtics' forward #0 Jayson Tatum jumps to shoot during the NBA Preseason game between the Boston Celtics and the Denver Nuggets at the Etihad Arena in Abu Dhabi on October 6, 2024.  Fadel Senna / AFP

NBA - Boston et Indiana poursuivent leur belle série, les Lakers leur mauvaise passe

Boston et Indiana ont aligné respectivement une sixième et une cinquième victoire de suite en s'imposant à Sacramento pour les Celtics (95-113) et contre Minnesota pour les Pacers (119-103). Les Los Angeles Lakers ont subi, dans le même temps, un troisième revers de rang à Orlando (118-106) lundi en NBA, la ligue nord-américaine de basket.

(L-R) Lord Mayor of Brisbane Adrian Schrinner, Australian Senator Richard Colbeck, President of Australian Olympic Committee John Coates, three time Olympic gold medalist James Tomkins and Premier of Queensland Annastacia Palaszczuk, attend a press conference after Brisbane was announced as the 2032 Summer Olympics host city during the 138th IOC Session at Hotel Okura in Tokyo on July 21, 2021.  Toru Hanai / POOL / AFP

JO 2032 - L'Australie va se doter d'un nouveau stade pour les Jeux Olympiques de Brisbane

L'Australie va construire un stade de 63.000 places ainsi qu'un centre aquatique pour les Jeux Olympiques de Brisbane prévus en 2032, ont annoncé les autorités mardi.

England's German head coach Thomas Tuchel (R) appeals to the Israeli fourth official Yigal Frid (L) during the 2026 World Cup Group K qualifier football match between England and Latvia, at Wembley stadium, in London, on March 24, 2025.   Glyn KIRK / AFP

Qualification Coupe du monde 2026 - L'Angleterre de Thomas Tuchel sans soucis face à la Lettonie 3-0

L'Angleterre s'est imposée 3-0 contre la Lettonie lundi à Wembley dans le cadre des qualifications pour la Coupe du monde de football 2026, offrant à son nouveau sélectionneur Thomas Tuchel une deuxième victoire en deux matches.

Poland's Magda Linette hits a return against Japan's Moyuka Uchijima during their women's singles match on day two of the Australian Open tennis tournament in Melbourne on January 13, 2025.  Adrian Dennis / AFP

WTA Miami - Magda Linette houdt Coco Gauff uit kwartfinales

Magda Linette (WTA 34) heeft zich maandag geplaatst voor de kwartfinales van het WTA 1.000-toernooi in het Amerikaanse Miami (hardcourt/8.963.700 dollar). De Poolse versloeg in de achtste finales het Amerikaanse derde reekshoofd Coco Gauff (WTA 3).